What's the Problem? Advice from Our Friends at Ambit Energy

National Consultant for Ambit Energy Carlos Marin has once again passed along advice we at GET LLC wanted to share with you all.  

Carlos and his wife Cecy have been very successful with Ambit Energy and as part of his team, this blog post continues to drive Tricia and I to move ahead-inspired by such wisdom. 

Carlos recently wrote that we all know that challenges will come, - whether from competitors, economic conditions, customer demand, etc... but WE get to choose whether we view these challenges as problems or opportunities.

He said that problems actually ARE Opportunities, and Opportunities + Solutions equal riches!

Carlos added that nearly every great innovator has used this formula and as a result have become wildly successful and wealthy. But it doesn't just stop there. It's also about having the right mindset, the mindset of an Entrepreneur, a Business Owner, a True Professional, and the mindset of a Millionaire - in order to become one...

He said that many people believe in the "Have, Do, Be" method. They think, "Once I have something, then I can do something, and then I'll be who I want to be." ...

But the real secret is to reverse the formula. First, you must BE, then do, then have.

Carlos concludes in asking if we ever heard the quote, "what you seek is seeking you."? It's true. NOW is the time to believe in yourself, believe in your business, and believe in your profession, and maximize your compensation. 

Thanks Carlos and thanks Ambit Energy.

Again to find out how to turn on the cash flow whenever someone uses electricity and gas at http://getllc.myambit.com/start-a-business/energy-526.