An Ambit Energy National Consultant Shares Four Success Habits to Adopt

Ambit Energy National Consultant Carlos Marin has been so generous with his knowledge and his advice has been so spot on.  This week, Marin pushed GET, LLC and other consultants to think about a new normal in our businesses: success habits.

Marin said, "Highly successful people have a way of standing apart from the rest. They take risks, think BIG, and have good habits. Here are four success habits you can adopt and implement today:

1) Get organized: Keep a calendar, meet deadlines, remember birthdays, and plan ahead.

2) Be independent: Team work is great, but being an entrepreneur means being a self-starter. Do what you can, where you're at, with what you have. Take action. Be confident in your own abilities without the need for hand-holding.

3) Ask Questions: Know when to ask for help on goals, expectations, or duties. Not sure about something? Get clarity.

4) Communicate:  The highly successful person is straightforward. Not only does he ask questions, but he also shares his goals and any useful advice he has in order to create an environment in which everyone can benefit.

There are many more we could add to the list, - and so could you. Remember, if you want to be an efficient, on-time, organized, and highly successful person you must master the small things you do each day. Success is not represented by dollars alone. How we FEEL about ourselves is what makes us prosperous. Today, make it a point to implement these 4 habits and be the BEST you can be!"

Being the best we can be is the point.  With that said, find out how to turn on the cash flow whenever someone uses electricity and gas at