10 YEAR WARRANTY-Independence LED Lighting Makes Huge Announcement at LIGHT FAIR International

Great news to come out of the recently completed LIGHT FAIR International held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-INDEPENDENCE LED LIGHTING HAS NEW 10 YEAR WARRANTY!

GET, LLC is so very proud to be an Authorized Distributor of Independence LED Lighing and able to offer the "strongest Warranty" in the marketplace: 10 Years + the Highest Efficiency: 112 Lumen / Watt for LED tubes. 

It is pretty exciting that the 2013 combination of best in class warranty protection and energy reduction further secures the position of Independence LED as the “Best Built LED Tube.”

On the heels of this announcement, Energy Manager Today recently featured Independence LED Lighting CEP Charlie Szoradi on the news of the 10 year warranty. Szoradi is quoted in the Colordao-based daily trade publication that "While some facility managers have taken a measured approach to lighting upgrades, replacing older fluorescent lights with newer models, there’s more talk of LED leapfrogging, or just jumping to the end-game and retrofitting with LEDs, rather than repeatedly paying for the labor of installing slightly better fluorescents."

Szoradi adds there are three factors to consider to maximize the return on investment of LEDs:
  • run time
  • inefficiency of existing lights,
  • cost of electricity.

"Run time refers to how long the lights are turned on," said Szoradi.  "The highest run times are locations where the lights are on 24×7. If the existing lights are highly inefficient, then obviously the return on investment of a retrofit will be higher. And markets with high costs of electricity are good places to retrofit with LEDs, as well. If a building is high on all of these factors, it’s the perfect application scenario for LEDs."

Guam and the Western Pacific have power rates that are among the highest in the world.  Making the switch to LED lighting here will certainly provide a great investment with positive results. Utilizing an Independence LED Lighting solution, with help from GET, LLC, expect a quality product and the industry's best warranty.  Give us a call or drop us a line to discuss lighting solutions for your respective facility or building.