NAWIC Guam Chapter #381 Joins Annual Women in Construction Week Celebrations

On the eve of the Proclamation signing of 2017 Women in Construction Week in Guam by the Office of the Governor of Guam, GET, LLC wanted to take this opportunity with all the members of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) Guam Chapter #381 to get out the word on this annual celebration of the success of women in the construction industry.

“The National Association of Women in Construction is committed to enhancing the success of all women in construction - not just those who are NAWIC members,” said Immediate Past-President of NAWIC Sandy Field. “We accomplish this through educational opportunities, networking, and community/industry service projects.  If you are a woman employed in any area of the construction industry, we welcome you to join us!" 

It is important to note that the focus of WIC Week is to highlight women as a visible component of the construction industry. It is also a time for local chapters, including the Guam Chapter, to give back to their respective communities. WIC Week provides an occasion for NAWIC’s thousands of members across the country to raise awareness of the opportunities available for women in the construction industry and to emphasize the growing role of women in the industry.

“'Women in Construction Week' is simply a time set aside to thank those women for all their efforts toward successful construction projects.  WIC Week will also bring attention to the industry and encourage others to realize that construction is a viable, profitable career field,” said NAWIC Guam President Shierly Caceres. 

Among the NAWIC Guam Chapter Activities this week: a Foundations for Safety Leadership Education Program hosted at the Guam Contractors Association and the annual NAWIC Builds Event at the GCA Trades Academy in Barrigada. 

WIC Week comes as we enter the 35th annual National Women's History Month.  The 2017 theme for National Women’s History Month honors women who have successfully challenged the role of women in both business and the paid labor force.  We can all agree that women have always worked, but often their work has been undervalued and unpaid. GET, LLC thanks all women for their role in building Guam and America and their role in maintaining our great society.

GET, LLC is proud to be a member of NAWIC and the Guam Chapter-one of 150 chapters with a network of 4,500 members nationwide.  We hold NAWIC's core values close to our business- Believe.  Persevere.  Dare. 

Check out the NAWIC Guam Chapter page on Facebook at for more details about this year's WIC Week Guam activities. Also check out our website at or drop us a line to help us do our part to grow this important industry. 


This past week, the Guam Power Authority (GPA) rolled out its new My Energy Statement as an effort to improve the sharing of vital energy information with its customers.  For our small business, this new product is not just another social media campaign we helped roll out with GPA on Monday via the agency's Facebook page. As a home based business, the new GPA statement has features that really jump out at us. It is a product that all 50,000 GPA customers should take notice of. 

At first glance of the GPA My Energy Statement, the Read Date shown on the statement is key to knowing when GPA was in your neighborhood and monitored your meter for proper billing.  I think this issue puts to bed many concerns that questioned whether GPA actually did their job at our respective homes and home-based businesses each and every month.  Also, the outlining of the monthly customer charge is prominently displayed-even if you opted out of this by turning away the use of the Smart Meter. Effectively highlighted are the assortment of Energy Charges-well it better be prominent as Guam Public Law 21-142 mandates the GPA complete this important task for all  its rate-payers.  Not too far below this particular nugget of information is the infamous Fuel Recovery Charge. The Charge reference is the most well publicized of costs on this Statement and is followed closely by many on fixed incomes from Yigo to Merizo. While this blogger is not so crazy about the Emergency Water-Well and Wastewater Charge being shown on this product-the GWA Bill would be a better place for this-I am happy about the Average Daily Amount of Power Used Section. This bit of data is helpful for decision making for our homes and home-offices. This is the type of information that can drive the local sales of energy efficiency products like smart controls, Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lighting, solar thermal and even solar photovoltaic systems.

The GPA My Energy Statement is a great tool for all GPA customers. If you have yet to see it, we encourage you (yes-as a social media advisor to GPA) to visit to take that first step towards managing your household power use.

For more information on how GET, LLC can assist you with your social media and energy efficient product needs, please call us at 671-483-0789 or check out our website at